Housing as a Vehicle for Opportunity

Comunidad’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) model elevates community and opens pathways of opportunity for our nation’s multicultural workforce population. Our communities are at the nexus of improved outcomes in social impact, environmental sustainability and diverse, inclusive and equitable governance.

Impact is part of Comunidad’s cultural fabric and operational DNA. It differentiates us as it is deeply rooted in our culture.

Our social impact and ESG strategies have proven to generate a positive impact on residents’ lives and investment returns.

We improve returns for all stakeholders through embedded social & environmental programming at our communities that increases resident household income, decreases household cost burdens and improves resident household wealth/equity.

We are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and actively implement, monitor and report on 12 of the 17 SDGs that help drive environmental, social and economic outcomes at our communities:

  • Environmental
  • Social

Social Impact

Comunidad Partners invests in residents as the real asset through social impact programs and amenities to enhance their quality of life. These programs increase resident household income, decrease household cost burdens and improve resident household wealth/equity.

Our social services and resident programs are delivered through Veritas Impact Partners, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The three pillars of our social impact program are designed to drive better equity, health and education outcomes for our workforce residents.

Equity & Economic Advancement

Financial literacy/credit building

Job placement/workforce skills training

Tax assistance

Pathway to homeownership

Health & Wellness

Access to free telehealth services

Access to nutritious food through local partnerships

Fitness classes and walking clubs


English as a Second Language (ESL) classes

Virtual homework help

After-school programs

Health education

Our Impact Results

Served more than 4,500 nutritious children’s meals in our communities to help address food insecurity

Provided free telehealth access to 4,000 residents for 24/7 virtual medical support with participation that is 2x the national average

Established a COVID-19 Resident Relief Fund to provide residents with resources and financial support, including rental assistance, job placement support, health and safety education, and access to food

Hosted more than 6,900 social impact programming events since we began this journey, with 2.6 connection points per resident household

Environmental Sustainability: Casa Verde

We are ardent believers in environmental sustainability and energy conservation — not just because it’s good for the environment, but also because it is good for our residents and for our business. We invest in green technologies at our communities to conserve energy and reduce utility costs while enhancing quality of life.

Case Verde is our green homes initiative that focuses on improving air quality, water and energy infrastructure across our portfolio. Workforce housing assets present numerous opportunities to reduce their energy footprint, which in turn also helps lower residents’ utility bills. We also focus on efficient waste streams and recycling, including cardboard, porcelain, lightbulbs, carbon waste and coal.

A Case in Point: Water Conservation Results

To improve water conservation and reduce utility costs across our properties, we identified inefficiencies in our utility infrastructure (e.g., toilets, appliances, faucets, washing machines, sinks and showers) in order to implement a green strategic plan, resulting in positive impact for our residents, our partners and the environment.

Visit live dashboard


tenant savings in water bills per unit per year


return on cost on our investment


water utility cost savings for the environment


million gallons of water saved


Comunidad Partners is driven by a simple premise: Good governance breeds good culture and, ultimately, reliable and transparent business results. The firm is committed to accountability, transparency and a corporate culture that celebrates diversity, builds equity with key stakeholders and embraces innovation.

We have a diverse and independent board of directors with backgrounds in housing, capital markets, ESG, policy and legislation. We believe in the importance of including unique perspectives, experiences and talents at the table to help us drive growth and innovation.

Governance measures extend to

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Supplier Diversity

Fair & Equal Pay

Active Stakeholder Engagement


ESG Reporting

2022 Annual ESG Report 

Our Partners

Creating a positive impact for thousands of families in our communities takes a village of committed and passionate people. We work closely with partners who offer their resources, time and hearts. We are extremely grateful for their passion and dedication to enhancing underserved communities and our residents.

Veritas Impact Partners

Resident Services Coordination and Engagement


Credit Building and Housing Stability


24/7 virtual health care/telemedicine

Learn To Be

Education and tutoring services

Energy Star

Energy-efficient appliances and infrastructure upgrades

International Rescue Committee

English Literacy and Civics Education

English as a Second Language

English lessons


Community wellness and exercise programs

American Red Cross

Swim lessons and pool safety

Habitat for Humanity

Providing housing to the underserved

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Health education, health fairs and testing

Money Management International

Access to capital, financial equity, financial literacy